The majority of men regularly encounter urinal cubes. This is the tiny tablet used as a deodorizer in public restrooms, which is placed in the urinal bowls.
Waterless urinals are used in public restrooms without traditional urinals. Systems without water rely on biological processes to maintain their odourlessness. It has a significant function in the urinal. However, it can have disastrous effects if consumed.
With certain benefits and concerns, urinal cubes assist with maintaining toilet hygiene.
Mothballs are similar to urinal cubes. They are located at the base of public urinals. The urinal cubes eliminate poop odours and manage bacteria. The shape of the cubes is where the term “urinal cubes” originates. It also takes cues from their function in keeping public restrooms smelling good. Going to the toilet was a private matter before the 1880s. No public restrooms were present. Using the lavatory became a concern for the general public as more individuals began travelling to towns and commercial areas for business.
Better plumbing and sanitation became more popular as a result. People began constructing and utilising public bathrooms over time. This led to a significant odour issue.
Public lavatory use and demand increased as cities, markets and other urban areas grew in population. Urinal cubes were invented as a result and are now sold as goods. Para-dichlorobenzene, which serves as a deodorizer and disinfectant, is used to make urinal cubes. The round, colourful shape of the chemical block found in urinals is where the word “cubes” originated.
‘Urinal cubes’ are typically found at the bottom of public lavatories. They aid in urinal disinfection and cover up or lessen odours. Most cubes can have a variety of chemical compositions. However, the primary deodorizer para-dichlorobenzene is present in practically all urinal cubes. The cubes help itself sublime when it comes into contact with urine thanks to the para-dichlorobenzene in it. This indicates that it transforms directly from a liquid to a gas.
The majority of urinal cubes smell either nice or neutral. It all depends on how they are used. The aroma of disinfectant cubes is typically more unassuming. It smells good to use urinal cubes to deodorise the urinal. This keeps the urinal smelling clean all the time.
Health issues related to urine cubes
The cubes become a gas that you can inhale after they come into touch with the urine. The impact of the gas on humans has not been well studied, however it has had some unfavourable impacts on animals. Some nations throughout the world have banned para-dichlorobenzene as a result of this unidentified risk.
Nowadays, many public restrooms prefer para-dichlorobenzene-free cubes. They perform well to deodorise urinals and are water-soluble. They also enhance pipe cleaning to get rid of part of the accumulation that causes odours.
Bacterial spores are now possible thanks to recent developments and formulations. They eliminate pipe stink when used with surfactant cleansers. They also remove any accumulation that can result in an obstruction.
Waterless urinals are the sole option for avoiding the smell and dangers of urinal cubes. These don’t need much upkeep. For them to remain fresh and odour-free, biological treatments are also essential. Even from a green perspective, this is a good alternative.
You can get killed by eating urinal cubes. Anyone insane enough to consume a urinal cubes risks harming themselves. Symptoms that can result from consuming the chemicals in urinal cubes include:
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Diarrhoea
These symptoms may get worse with time, necessitating hospitalisation. Red blood cells can potentially perish from exposure to the chemical naphthalene, which is frequently found in urinal cubes. Without adequate care, the substances may overwhelm your body. Organ failure and other consequences may result from this.
A waterless urinal’s integrity and fundamental operation will be impacted by water. It reacts with the sealant, forming deposits of limestone on the pipes and sink of the urinal. These buildups may prevent urine from draining properly. Water should never be used in the waterless urinal cylinder, though occasionally it might be used to clean the pipes. Make sure you have cautionary signs in a public lavatory. There should be a note on each cylinder cautioning people not to fill it with water.
A bathroom without odour
Keeping the restrooms smelling good is one of the major cleaning challenges. An odour-free, spotless lavatory can boost staff morale. It can create or ruin your reputation if your company interacts with the public. Make sure you enlist the aid of cleaning professionals for the installation and upkeep of waterless urinals.
At A to Z Office supplier:
- Assist you in choosing the appropriate supplies for your urinals.
- Provide you with the necessary substances.
- Regularly restock your chemical supplies.
With A to Z Office Suppliers, Chennai, you can stop using urinal cubes and begin managing an odourless lavatory right now.